Who is Oliva Dawn?

Meet the woman behind oliva dawn candles
Hi friends! I'm Angela, the woman behind Oliva Dawn Candle Co and I'm so happy you're here! For as long as I can remember, I've had this love of decorating, crafting, doing DIY's and anything else that allowed me to be creative. In fact, when I was a little girl, I had my very own box of Christmas decorations just for my room, on the flip side, I also had my own toolbox filled with my dad's extra tools. When I wasn't decorating my room, or "working" on my bike, I was outside playing in nature being young and free.
Which leads me to the name Oliva Dawn, pronounced O-lee-va. When I was thinking of a name for my business, I wanted a name that held value to me. A name that symbolized who I am and what makes me, well, me. That's when Oliva Dawn Candle Co was placed on my heart. You see, as a child I grew up on a street named Oliva, and my middle name is Dawn. Yes friends, it really is that simple, but I believe it perfectly represents who I am.
Now you may be asking yourself, why candles? Well as a creative, I'm always looking for ways to release my creativity. Naturally, one day I decided to make candles with my daughter while she was home from college. While researching the ins and outs of candle making, I realized how many toxins and chemicals were in commercial candles. Yuck! As a family, we strive to eat and live a clean and healthy lifestyle, so why would we want chemicals in something that is meant to bring us joy? We don't, and I can assume neither do you.
Making candles that evoke memories made total sense to me, but creating them with all natural ingredients, along with our pure body care line, made even more.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better! I hope you enjoy our products and feel confident in knowing that they are made with only the finest ingredients! We wouldn't give our family any less, and neither would you!
Enjoy and God Bless!
xoxo, Angela