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We are so happy you are here!! This is the page to find all the info on past Elevate Meet Ups! We are sorry we missed you, but now you can feel apart and not miss any of the valuable insights that were shared!

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Our First elevate 

What a day! Nerves were high for everyone, especially myself...Angela!   This was years in the making including several times I talked myself out of stepping out of my comfort zone, but God has been consistent with His gentle nudge on my heart to create a space for all women who are wanting to make true connections and get real.


Part of the process of getting real, is being our authentic selves, knowing our core values and learning to love ourselves as we are on this journey called life.  Angey Grotberg, one of the most authentic and unapologetically who they are people I know, spoke on being authentic, what that looks like and how the heck do we do it.  She spoke truth and life into us as she shared her journey through growth, life's challenges and finding her true, authentic self. 


She spoke on stepping out of comfort zone...a little at a time! Ever see another woman and think "oh, I could never wear that?" or "she's so brave I could never do that"? Well first, you are the thoughts you keep, so if you tell yourself that you are not brave or adventurous then your brain will find ways to confirm that way of thinking, you'll then only go for things in this life that you feel are safe because you have told yourself that you aren't brave. Stop waiting for you to have more money, weigh a number on the scale or finding the perfect job...step into your fears.  "Part of living authentically is not let the stories you tell yourself get in the way of what you truly want".


We were also reminded that we need to not worry about other people's opinions! Everyone has matter what choices you make in life, someone will have something to say about it.  Don't take their opinions personal, listen to your heart, make decisions aligned with your core values and take risks! When you live in your strengths, you liberate yourself from the need of other peoples approvals. 


Oh, such good stuff, right? Just remember that you are amazing, unique and created specifically for this moment in time.  You being alive today is not be accident! Isn't that freeing to know?! You. Have. A. Purpose and living your life authentically is one step closer to fulfilling that purpose!


I'm always here to chat or grab coffee so never hesitate to reach out!


We look forward to seeing you at our next event and make sure you join to mailing list to stay up to date!


Until next time a friend to someone today, love hard and take risks!! You got this!




To download the notes from the event, click here!


I'm always looking to make new friends! Let's connect!

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